Involvement in school by parents and carers helps children achieve the best possible learning outcomes. You can participate in school life, both formally and informally, through the Parents and Citizens Association, school council, helping in the classroom or volunteering.
Make a special effort to attend your child’s special assemblies, parent-teacher meetings, sports days, open days, musical and other activities. This will help them feel positive about school and be a happy, active participant.
The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is a great opportunity for parents seeking an active role in the school. The P&C provides input into school decision-making and in partnership with the school, organises educational, social and fundraising activities. It has input into student wellbeing by supporting the school’s values system.
Our school is fortunate to have a very active and generous P & C Committee. We invite all parents/caregivers and other members of the community to attend P & C meetings.
The P & C Annual General Meeting is held in March each year, with two meetings scheduled per term.
Visit our Facebook page for meeting dates.