Building partnerships with industry and the community is a priority for Karratha Senior High School. These partnerships are essential for a highly skilled and relevant workforce – now and into the future.
Through these partnerships not only are we doing the best for our students, we are also investing in the future of Western Australia’s economy.
Industry school engagement involves partnering with industry to enable young people to acquire the knowledge, skills and attributes to participate effectively in society and employment in the globalised economy.
This means our students will make a successful transition from school to work or further study in those areas of direct relevance to the economy.
The Karratha and Roebourne Education Initiative, a partnership between the North West Shelf Project and Karratha Senior High School has been helping to improve and enhance education opportunities for the students of Karratha Senior High School since its inception in 2007.
The North West Shelf Project has provided support to Karratha Senior High School from funding by the Karratha and Roebourne Education Initiative through financial assistance in range of areas including:
– Revision workshops in Perth and Karratha for students, improving academic standards and participation.
– Promoting Excellence through extra-curricular activities for students and staff such as leadership forums and professional learning
– Career Awareness Program
– Increasing the range of Senior School courses offered to students
– Online learning programs
– Providing additional Professional Development opportunities for teaching and non teaching staff
– Enrich the ‘Karratha and Pilbara experience’ for pre-service teachers
The new and improved website that you are currently viewing was also made possible by the contribution of the North West Shelf Project.
It is with the assistance and support of the North West Shelf Project Karratha and Roebourne Education Initiative that Karratha Senior High School can offer our students access to services of the same quality and choice as those found in metropolitan schools. The program allows us to add value to the great things the school already offers. It provides the opportunity to strive to achieve high personal and academic goals through various initiatives and extra curricular programs.
Karratha Senior High School would like to extend its thanks to the North West Shelf Project for its continued support and contribution to our school.

Sponsorship Opportunities
We value the opportunity to develop strong relationships with external organisations that enhance the educational outcomes for our students and support the achievement of our values and objectives.
If your organisation is interested in arranging a sponsorship, you must first provide us with a sponsorship proposal.
For more information please contact the Principal on 08 9182 6900.