Campus Drop-Off & Pick-Up
Karratha SHS has a designated area at the Leisureplex car park for student pick-ups and drop-offs. This has been designed to keep the traffic flowing and to allow students a safe access point to the school grounds. Cars parking in our bus bays causes delays for our school buses and creates an unsafe area if students are wandering through the car park before and after school. We ask that all families please follow this map below showing the pick-up and drop-off area.

Bus information
*Please note that currently, school bus services are free for Student SmartRider holders. If this changes, we will advise the school community.*
TransKarratha operates the Karratha and Dampier school buses. In order to access the discounted student fare, a Student SmartRider card must be used.
All existing KSHS students should have a SmartRider Card, also known as a Student ID card, which is to be used to ‘tag’ on and off these buses. A dollar value must be applied to this card (minimum $10 to driver or $20 online) which can be done in a number of ways. Please go to for details or call 13 62 13. If paying online, please allow at least three working days for the money to register on the card.
It is envisaged that Year 7 students will have received a SmartRider Card via their primary school prior to commencing at Karratha SHS. If not, they can apply for a card through the Karratha SHS Front Office. Students will be advised of this process during Mentor Group however there will be a delay at the beginning of year while photos of students are taken over the first 2-3 weeks.
Bus timetables for Karratha/Dampier may be found at
‘Orange’ bus services (Wickham, Roebourne, Point Samson) are not affected by this. More information about buses from these towns is available here:
*applications for orange bus services can take up to 10 days.