Positive Behaviour Support

Karratha Senior High School is a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) school. In a PBS school behaviour is addressed in the same way as other curriculum areas, where students are taught the expected behaviours. In consultation with staff, students, and the community our PBS team defined a set of behaviour expectations for students at KSHS to follow, this is called our Behaviour Expectations Matrix. Every two weeks a focus behaviour is taught to the students as a lesson then it is practised and reinforced.  Unproductive behaviours are managed in the same way as errors in other areas of learning, by correction and reteaching.

Our matrix is made up of three overarching behaviour categories, Show Respect, Act Responsibly and Be Inclusive. The expected behaviours that come under these headings are also divided up into different times, All the time, Learning Time, and Break Time. This helps students understand not only what is expected of them, but when it is expected of them.