Karratha’s Big Picture Education Academy
Big Picture Learning Australia (BPLA) is a non-profit organisation whose core business is the transformation of education in response to a rapidly-changing world.
Globally the explosion of technology is transforming the way we work, think, communicate and live. Yet the way we do education has not caught up with these changes.
At the heart of the design is a departure from traditional ‘appointment learning’ where everyone learns the same things according to a fixed timetable inside the four walls of a school.
We believe that personalised, passion-based learning is the key to modernising education and preparing young people uncommonly well for successful futures. We nurture creativity, curiosity and independence.
One student at a time, in a community of learners.
Big Picture Enrolment Information
For more information visit the Big Picture website.
Miss Bree Walley
T: (08) 9182 6900
E: brianna.walley@education.wa.edu.au