Vocational Education & Training and Careers

What is VET?

VET provides students with the opportunity to start gaining the skills required and experience the training or workplace requirements of their proposed future career pathway. VET can be used to assist students to meet graduation requirements.

VET opportunities at Karratha Senior High School include:

  • Certificate Training – a nationally recognised qualification (commonly referred to as a “TAFE” certificate). This is face-to-face training is delivered by an RTO (Registered Training Organisation), commonly referred to as “TAFE” in classrooms and workshop style delivery. There are also private RTOs who deliver qualifications to our students.
  • School Based Traineeships – students may receive the same qualification as students in a face-to-face environment, however, they gain on-the-job experience through a paid work placement and also complete the theoretical requirement of their qualification either at work, in their own time or through additional face-to-face delivery.
  • Work Experience – is when students attend a workplace to broaden their understanding of their chosen industry. Students can attend multiple workplaces, need to be prepared to approach businesses to host them and are expected to work industry hours. Students who are prepared to complete the ADWPL logbook and skills journal can receive credit towards WACE

Who is eligible to be involved in VET?

  • Foundation Pathway students can access certificate training, School Based Traineeships and work experience.
  • General Pathway students can access certificate training, School Based Traineeships and work experience.
  • Big Picture Pathway students can access certificate training, School Based Traineeships and work experience.
  • ATAR students can access work experience. They are not eligible to access certificate training or School Based Traineeship due to the time it takes students away from the high demand of ATAR courses.

How can VET benefit me?

VET provides students with the opportunity to experience the industry of their choice which can assist students to make informed decisions about their post school destinations. VET experiences are looked upon favourably by employers and completed qualifications provide students with a nationally recognised skills set and can assist students to gain access into higher level qualifications or may reduce the training time of an apprenticeship or traineeship.

Successful completion of a qualification provides the following credit towards WACE:

Certificate I level qualifications: 2 unit equivalents

Certificate II level qualifications: 4 unit equivalents

Certificate III level qualifications: 6 unit equivalents

Meeting the requirements of ADWPL provides the following credit towards WACE:

55 hours + skills journal completion: 1 unit equivalent

110 hours + skills journal completion: 2 unit equivalents

165 hours + skills journal completion: 3 unit equivalents

220 hours + skills journal completion: 4 unit equivalents

VET Qualifications on offer for 2024:

The following is a current list of the qualifications available for consideration by students. Please note, more information will follow and it is essential students/parents make themselves aware of the requirements of the qualification and the entrance requirements to each qualification – this information will be available on Connect. Selection of a qualification is not a guarantee of a place in the course. Many of the qualifications have entrance criteria applied to them to ensure students are selecting the qualification for the right reasons. Places are limited. *Indicates selection process.

  • AUR20720 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
  • 52845WA Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace Operations
  • Certificate II in Community Health and Wellbeing*
  • CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services
  • ACH21020 Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management
  • CPC20220 Certificate II in Construction Pathways
  • CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (School Based Traineeship)*
  • UEE20920 Certificate II in Electronic Assembly*
  • UEE22011 Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) (Pre-apprenticeship)*
  • MEM20105 Certificate II in Engineering (Mechanical Fitter and Machinist Pre-apprenticeship)*
  • MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways*
  • SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness*
  • AHC20416 Certificate II in Horticulture
  • SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality
  • SHB20121 Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics
  • SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant
  • SIS20115 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
  • TLI20420 Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations
  • RII20220 Certificate II in Surface Extraction
  • BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills
  • School Based Traineeships*

For further information please contact Ms Jane Errey: jane.errey@education.wa.edu.au