Years 7–10
During English, students extend their understanding of how language works, and learn to transfer this knowledge to different contexts. Students develop an understanding of the requirements of different types of texts and they are introduced to increasingly sophisticated analyses of various kinds of texts.
Students engage with a variety of genres and modes. They re-enact, represent and describe texts in order to display their understanding of narrative, theme, purpose, context and argument and to defend their ideas in written and oral modes. Students are given further opportunities to create increasingly sophisticated and multimodal texts in groups and individually.
All students in Years 7 – 10 are assessed on:
- Reading
- Viewing
- Writing and Creating
- Speaking and Listening
Senior Secondary Years
The Australian Curriculum: English in the senior secondary years allows students to use, consolidate and expand on what they have learned, and provides a range of choices from more specialised courses to meet students’ needs and interests. The three strands of Language, Literature and Literacy also underpin the senior secondary English courses.
Senior Courses offered at Karratha Senior High School are:
- Foundation English
- General English
- ATAR English
For further information, contact either:
Kate Fulton: or Natasha Senasinghe:
Heads of Learning Area